Networking issue with 2 xp pcs


New Member
Got an interesting problem with sharing permissions between 2 xp boxes that are connected via Lynksys router. Both run xp home and are on 192.168.1.x subnet.

Box1 is able to connect to box2 SharedDocs folder
Box2 is able to connect to box1 SharedDocs folder
Box1 is able to connect to all of Box2's shared folders, when browsing for box2 by clicking "view workgroup computers" and doubleclicking box2's name
Box2 LOCKS UP when trying to conenct to Box1, after browsing for box1 by clicking "view workgroup computers" and doubleclicking box1's name

So, everything works fine until I try to browse Box1 using Box2 using "view workgroup computers". I let Box2 search for Box1 for over half an hour without ever getting a timeout error. I have to force the window to shut down.

Both are in MSHOME workgroup and I have disabled firewall completely on both (just until I am able to fix this prob). Any ideas what the problem with Box2 is?
