networking crankiness


New Member
I am experiencing some strange networking problems with my wireless card seems to be functioning (it can pick up wireless networks), but it cannot connect to any wireless networks...when I try to connect, I just get amessage that says it was unable to connect.

Also, my ethernet connection is slow, and I'm getting "Problem Loading Page" errors about 50% of the time I try to go to a new webpage...this is happening regardless of the network I am connected to, so its definitely an issue with my laptop. Also, I was watching a video online, and it would stop about every 30 seconds, and then reconnect after about 10 seconds.

Finally, a network print driver seems to have been uninstalled, but when I try to reinstall it, it says that I have already installed it.

Last week, I removed this virus, but this problem started only in the last couple of days, and the machine is virus free now...does any one have any idea what could be causing this????
Sounds to me like you are having some issues from that virus. Like it went behind the scenes and deleted some files or something that you need. If you have a windows cd boot to the cd and select the repair option and then when you get to the command type chkdsk/r and let it run if it finds errors which it more then likely will it almost always does do it again until you see it finds no errors.
youve described numerous issues here, firstly streaming Videos over a wireless connection is never a great idea!!

Firstly, what networks are you connecting to? Try another computer with another wireless connection! YOU MUST do this to eliminate the network. Without doing this basic step - then its pointless continuing

Presuming the networks are functioning ok, run Netstumbler and analyze the network foot print - check to make sure your getting a decent signal distribution, this smacks of signual attenuation. Tell us more about your enviroment, is this a home network!? Had a new microwave, fridge or other applicance recentley! :-)

ok - on to your PC network card - again, change the network device, this will eliminate whether its a problem with your exsising wireless card. Try the card in another laptop, this should determine if its the card or not, if it is, replace the card. Have you also tried updating the cards drivers, check to make sure theres no firware revision/update or patch.

Moving on to your PC finally, do your virus checks and such in safe mode. If you have system roll back enabled, use it! Do as has been mentioned and run the Windows repair tool. With all due respect, that virus works at kernal level using hooking, with that in mind, you'll need rootkit removal software, and not nessacarily just AV software.

Hi, Just saw your reply...just to clear a few things up, I wasn't trying to stream videos over I wrote earlier, my ethernet connection was getting interrupted constantly.

Also, I had tried my network with another laptop, and it works fine. In addition, I tried the laptop in question on another (reliable, enterprise network) and had the exact same problem, so clearly it is an issue with laptop, not the network.

Finally, I backed up my files and ran a restore (on dell's that's ctrl-f11 on boot) and return the machine to shipping condition. I just ran my av again on the restored machine, and had the MadCHook.dll virus all over again! So either, A. it is a program that the system needs, and not malware, B. I got the virus all over again. I "repaired" it the same way as last time...manually deleted the .dll file, then flushed the system restore file.

any suggestions on rootkit removal software?