Networking Commands


New Member
Personally, google is my best friend. I have looked on google coutnless times, searched other forums, but I still haven't figured out my problem.

My problem is I want to be able to shut down other computers linked on a network. I thought it was possible but I haven't found any literature on it yet. If you could help I would appreciate it. Thanks.
shudown -i
that will give you a GUI to shutdown the remote computer

shutdown -m //Remote Computer
that wil shut the remote computer off
type shutdown /? from command prompt and that will give you all the switches you need
I hope that help

(note can be usefull to use the t = 0 flag to prevent any delay)
I do have user/password access to these machines. I do appreciate all of your help. I think I got it working with the shutdown -i command. Thanks again.