Networking Between 2000 and XP


New Member
I am trying to set up a wireless network between two dell computers. One has windows 2000 and the other XP pro. i can't get the computer with 2000 to connect to the network or router. Not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreiceated. I have tryed figuring out and don't know anymore things to do. i'm only 16 and a little new at this so any help would be awesome
does you win200 machine have a wireless card in it? Does it see any other signals? are the frequencies compatible? B/g?

Meaning is the computer a wireless b and the router is only wirless g? This wont work...
Router and wireless adapter

I bought a starter kit with both a wireless router and wireless usb adatper together so they should be able to work together. It does get excellent signal but no connection. Any other questions i'll be glad to answer. Thanks.