Network useloses ability to use certain cursor control abitlities


New Member
I have an employee that when connected to the corporation network, loses the ability to use the keyboard scroll buttons, (UP , down). The mouse has been disabled to perform these functions. It was told to me that There is a network Connector cable (male end, looks simmilar to a parallel port cable) that doesn't have a good tight fit with the female end on the back of the tower unit on the PC. It's missing a tightening down nut. everything else is working fine and there are no other apparent problems. The keyboard has been replaced. The same connection is working fne for all the others network conected PC's. Any help on this matter will help me to figure out what is going on? Thank you ahead of time
Don Rago
try another cable and try the NIC in another computer to see if it is the hardware...has it worked b4 on this terminal?
reply regarding NIC cable for network usage

They told me that they been having trouble with this connection on and off. It seems that the male end of the NIC cable comming from the network line was the wrong size to fit into the female network connector in the PC. The tech put an adapter cable on the one end of the NIC cable so that it could fit into the female connector. it seems that the connector cable and the NIC cable were supposed to be secured together by two nuts that were placed between the screws on the connectors . unfortunately the nuts were lost some time ago and the two cables are only held together on their own.
I feel that the reason that there isn't a tight fit between the connectors is why the employee cannot use her scroll buttons. I would like to get rid of the whole assembly but two problems exist

1.) there is a difference in the network connector size and the ethernet connector size. Whats the best way to resolve the difference?
2.)replace the card and cable both?

thank you ahead of time on any help that you can give me on this matter Don Rago
cable type

the problem was resolved and it looks like a new ethernet cable will be used to replace the put together setup. Where the reference to a parallel cable was used was a poor example to say the least. the "CABLE" was more of the size of a ethernet wire connector. having that in mind it was the ethernet wire that was using the adapter so that it would fit in to the rear of the PC ethernet card. ( "that's my guess as to what type of card it is" no one really knows at this point what it is). I firmly believe that this is not over with and that more uneducated computer people will be allowed to become involved in this chaos. thereby allowing no one to really be able to analyze the possibilities that would help correct the mess. It may be something that will be around for future employee's to figure out. Thanks again for all your attempty's to help me. I am going on vacation and may not come back. the challanges here are just too much for me to handle rationally.
Thanks again to all....Don Rago