Network slowdown, need help.


New Member
So my comp has been accessing the network at my work slow as beans. We traced the problem back to being my comp. So something on my comp is wrong and its been 2 weeks now that I have had to work with the slow server. Its stressing the crap out of me. Can anyone suggest something to try to fix the problem. I have tried system restore and non of them will take. So if you have any suggestions, please help. :D
do you have an antivirus, antispyware, and firewall?
if not.. get one of each (i recommend)..

if you already do, try scanning your system. a virus, spyware, trojan, etc.. may be slowing it down.
Yes I have all of that. And I ran tests for everything exept a virus test. I will run that and see what happens. Thx.

Please, I need more suggestions. Help.
Anyone else have any suggestions. Its still slow as beans. I even went out and bought a new network card and it still is the same. Slow as beans dripping out of a can.
Hi how odl is yr coputer? the efficiency of a computer does decrease with age as.. wear and tear of electrons running around ur copm. may be its time to invest in a new one?
Maybe it is your firewall blocking/slowing down some of the required ports, try turning it off to see if that increses the speed, and if it doesn't remember to turn it back on :D
What kind of connection do you use? Do you use DSL? Cable? What is your upload speed? Do you use Dial up?