Network problems


New Member
I tried to post before but Nobody could offer anyhelp, I will try again.

To make it clearer, we have a network Of 2 normally, We run on a D-link Router, We do not use ICS to share the DSl internet, The host computer Can Ping me, We are all in the same Workgroup, I am loged in a Adminstrator Account.

Problem relies in for some reason, No other computers can connect to me, Access is denied, We recently set up a 3rd network, and that one still has the same problem, cant connect to my computer to access shared files.

But on the other hand i can connect to everybody else.

We have also tried, removing all firewals and anti-virus programs and then let them try and connect but that never help, I use different firewals or antivirus programs then before, But i dont think thats the problem. We all have a simmaler ip also, We Use DHTCP or w.e through the router.

Still having problems, Thanks in advance.

p.s Could re-installing windows over top or maybe doing a repair install, maybe fix the issue? I do not mean re-formating then re-installing windows.
SidneyJ said:
p.s Could re-installing windows over top or maybe doing a repair install, maybe fix the issue? I do not mean re-formating then re-installing windows.

Don't ever "re-install windows over top".

I think the problem is file permissions. You will have to set the correct permissions on your NTFS drive for this to work.

If you have XP home, start in safe mode, right click on the folder you are sharing, find the permissions/security tab. Click ADD to add a new permissions group and type EVERYONE. Give "Everyone" full access rights. Do this for every folder you are sharing.

If you have XP PRO, turn OFF simple file sharing by going into My Documents, going to TOOLS, Folder Options, View, and turning off "Use Simple File Sharing" Right click on the folder you are sharing, sharing tab and click on permissions. Click ADD and type EVERYONE. Give "Everyone" Full Access.
Repeat this process in the SECURITY tab if the problem persists.
check that all computers are on the same subnet, check that they are in the same IP range. Also your firewall may be getting in the way. you may need to open the port in your firewall to allow other computers to connect to you, its real easy to do this if you use pccillan but Im not sure about other virus or firewall programs
I do not think its a firewall issue, and if it was i dont know what port is needed to be open, But i have Uninstalled any firewalls and the problem still persisted, I normally had Telus Freedom as a firewall, but I think there stuff sucks so i changed virus scanners and right now im using windows firewall, which i also think is not good enouph, its just untill i find one i like.

I will go ahead and try what dave said, Thanks guys, im running Win Xp will post back. :cool:
Make sure the workstation and server service are running.

Do this:


Type this at the prompt (that's two commands there):

net start lanmanworkstation

net start lanmanserver

hope this helps
dingdongsilver said:
Make sure the workstation and server service are running.

Do this:


Type this at the prompt (that's two commands there):

net start lanmanworkstation

net start lanmanserver

hope this helps

All is already started, am still going to try what dave said, ttyl thnx.
davidireland said:
Don't ever "re-install windows over top".

I think the problem is file permissions. You will have to set the correct permissions on your NTFS drive for this to work.

If you have XP home, start in safe mode, right click on the folder you are sharing, find the permissions/security tab. Click ADD to add a new permissions group and type EVERYONE. Give "Everyone" full access rights. Do this for every folder you are sharing.

If you have XP PRO, turn OFF simple file sharing by going into My Documents, going to TOOLS, Folder Options, View, and turning off "Use Simple File Sharing" Right click on the folder you are sharing, sharing tab and click on permissions. Click ADD and type EVERYONE. Give "Everyone" Full Access.
Repeat this process in the SECURITY tab if the problem persists.

As im going through this, it shows i already have Everybody as a permission, the only thing not checked is full controll, So will enable that, altho they should still beable to get into it, will post back

--- Updates

Well, yet again Nothing is helping the situation, starting to see a never ending hole.

I looked into permissions in safe mode on my comp which they try and access and all folders have Everyone as a permission with all access, I compared my permissions to the other computer and they are the same.
I tried removing all shared folders on both computers, then re setting up the network with a new workgroup name and turning off file and printer sharing then turning it on for both computer, Still can't connect to me. I disabled firewall still cant connect, i tested a Lan game, we can connect to eachother.

All network stations and server programs are running, Same subnet addys same ip types.

So the situation still remains that I can connect to any other computer but they cant connect to me to access shared folders.

Thnx for the advice so far.
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hmm...well i cant think of anything else yet; everything seems fine. But id like to point out that LAN games are different than file sharing. LAN games don't use the same kind of "stuff" to connect to each other its less personal i guess you could say. So yah...that doesnt tell you much.;)
K just thought of sumthin to ask ya....when you set up file sharing, did you use the "Wizzard" that windows uses?

Sometimes (maybe every time duno) using that screws everything right up and i've yet to find out how to undo it.

When setting it up for the first time, alwayssss chose the option to "Just Enable File Sharing" and "I understand the risks...blah blah.." and never the wizzard.

Maybe if u did this recently try system restoring back and "just enable file shating" instead of the evil cursed wizzard.
Hi well im outa luck here i cant restore to any good points iv had to clear out all restores, Anywho Now i need reformati, got some other issues it can clean up anyways ;/ the format should fix the problem with the network, only other thing i could have tried was to rename the shared folders, and yes we did use the Set up a small or home office network wizzard and enabled file and printer sharing, i think i better networking program would do good.

Take care for now time to reformat.!! :P there any Fixes out there for A OPEN mouses Wired Optical Lense,, I just got a new mouse pad and its going all over the place now, realy tick me off considering it was working perfect for the first bit, and if i move to my old pad no problems, cost me 16$ for the new pad and its supose to be good for Optical lense or roller ball mouses :mad: Cant seem to find any good pads out there.