I tried to post before but Nobody could offer anyhelp, I will try again.
To make it clearer, we have a network Of 2 normally, We run on a D-link Router, We do not use ICS to share the DSl internet, The host computer Can Ping me, We are all in the same Workgroup, I am loged in a Adminstrator Account.
Problem relies in for some reason, No other computers can connect to me, Access is denied, We recently set up a 3rd network, and that one still has the same problem, cant connect to my computer to access shared files.
But on the other hand i can connect to everybody else.
We have also tried, removing all firewals and anti-virus programs and then let them try and connect but that never help, I use different firewals or antivirus programs then before, But i dont think thats the problem. We all have a simmaler ip also, We Use DHTCP or w.e through the router.
Still having problems, Thanks in advance.
p.s Could re-installing windows over top or maybe doing a repair install, maybe fix the issue? I do not mean re-formating then re-installing windows.
To make it clearer, we have a network Of 2 normally, We run on a D-link Router, We do not use ICS to share the DSl internet, The host computer Can Ping me, We are all in the same Workgroup, I am loged in a Adminstrator Account.
Problem relies in for some reason, No other computers can connect to me, Access is denied, We recently set up a 3rd network, and that one still has the same problem, cant connect to my computer to access shared files.
But on the other hand i can connect to everybody else.
We have also tried, removing all firewals and anti-virus programs and then let them try and connect but that never help, I use different firewals or antivirus programs then before, But i dont think thats the problem. We all have a simmaler ip also, We Use DHTCP or w.e through the router.
Still having problems, Thanks in advance.
p.s Could re-installing windows over top or maybe doing a repair install, maybe fix the issue? I do not mean re-formating then re-installing windows.