network path not found


New Member
We got a hacker to intrude one of our server. After that, there is a strange things happened. Some people can access to that server and some can not.
All machines can ping that server. However, those can not access the server got error code 53 "network path not found" after issuing Net View \\ipaddress of that server.

Can anyone help in this problem ? Thanks.
I think it could be a simple issue of incorect path names.
Check to make sure the computers which have access and dont have acces both use the same link for example
(\\servername\netfolder) Is not equal to (\\\netfolder)

I would suggest using the (\\\netfolder) format (unless ip changes, is so dhcp it)

If all working and non working computer have the same network path, and still are not working properly, check the hardware which the block of computers are connected through. So if computer 1,2,3,4 and 5 work yet 6,7,8,9 and 10 dont; look at what 6-10 are linked through, ie switches routers..... Other the that do you need to assign access to this server? Good luck..