Network Monitor Tools


New Member
Hi guys, are there any network administrators out there that have used tools to monitor their network computers in a corporate enviroment of 50-100 computers. What I need is something that will be able to install on all the computers so that we can keep track of the computers and what they are doing such as how much they upload/download, like bandwidth comsumption.

This is so that incase the network speed slows down drastically we can use this tool to check the cause and if maybe someone is downloading movies when they are not suppose to be.

Thanks in advance
You can always create a performance log specifically setup to monitor network bandwidth and utilization for each individual machine. Also, you can set that log up so that if one machine reaches a certain limit that you have in place the log will automatically notify an admin account on the network. You can accomplish this by using the Performance snap-in located in the admin tools on ever machine. I'd recommend playing around with it first on one machine just so you get the gist of how the logs work since they are not like your generic system log. This snap-in comes automatically installed with XP so you don't have to go around installing it since it's already there, you just have to configure it.

If you’re looking to capture specific traffic and what not I recommending using a tool like Ethereal or even Net Mon Lite/SMS setup between the network and the networks gateway so you can capture all the traffic that goes in and out of your LAN.