Network Model

It would work but as for being ineffecient, i would say it isnt the best ever network scheme but it works fairly well, what you want to avoid is a BUS topology, as far as i can see this is ome kind of vairiation on RING and STAR put together. Is this yours or just a random network schematic.
Well it is more of a random network schematic really but with the intention of modelling an inefficient but working network.

My next task is to try and improve the network model to make it more efficient. I was planning on adding a few extra components such as:

- an extra file server
- a dedicated print server (instead of running through workstation PC's)
- a dedicated mail server (instead of combining with the file servers)
- 100/Base-T connection rather than 10/Base-T
- routers/switches instead of hubs and not so many message routing devices to pass through

and also improve the actual topology of the network. You referred to the ring and star network types but when modelling an 'efficient' network is it necessary to pick a model such as these to base it on? What would be recommended for this particular network? It is intended to be a network for a web hosting/design company.

Would the hardware components I listed above help to improve network performance and can you suggest any other ways in which the network model may be bettered?
Also, when the two lines come out of the first hub, you could have primary servers there, one named worksatiation server and one named internal. All the worksatations go on the workstation server and the file servers go on the internal server. This will help in administration and make it more time effiecient.