Network HELP


Active Member
i cant get my wireless network to work. help?

i have a comcast cable connection routed into a netgear wireless router. the wireless router is wire connected to a printer and a non-moving laptop, its connected wirelessley to a moving laptop. both laptops are HP. i got it so i can acess internet on both laptops, and print wirelessley from the moving laptop. but i cant get the two laptops to see eachother.

i want to be able to share a folder between the two thats it...
OK first you need to make shure they are in the same might have to disable the windows firewall to be able to see bolth laptops
they still wont work, i set up the network just like windows said using the network setup wizard, i disabled both windows firewalls because im using sygate personal firewall, i set all windows stuff to "allow" i tried putting a file into the shared folder and it didnt show up on the other computer.... :mad: :mad:
can you see the other computer in my network of explorer,
can you ping the other machines.
Do you have simple file sharing turned on.
Have you configured your sygate firewall to allow traffic from that machine.
i cant see the other computer
im not sure how to ping it
yes, i have file sharing on
no, i will try and fix this.

as i said, im new to networking, but all the tutorials didnt help me.
in order to ping another machine
start ->run-> type "cmd" press enter

ping [computer name]
see if you get a response from the machine
apj101 said:
in order to ping another machine
start ->run-> type "cmd" press enter

ping [computer name]
see if you get a response from the machine

much love to this dude, reading this post just helped me fix my wlan (did not know norton blocks w/lans)

the ping function is very handy