Network Connections Problem

Ag3n7 Fli

New Member
I've got a problem with my Network Connections folder. Its only showing my Dialup connection and none of the LAN connections. Do you have any idea how to fix this?

Try going to Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Device Manager. And seeing under Network adapters and Other Devices if there are any problems.

Best of luck.:)

The connections are all there and are under Device Manager working properly and enabled. They have been there before, but for some reason aren't here anymore. Got any other ideas?
Im not sure why but it says Network Tasks instead of Network connection... Possible the only connection you have running is the Dialup (shows conencted) so the only thing possible to do (IE Tasks) is disconnect...
I think thats just my Windows Theme, I made a new account without the skin and it still doesn't show so that cant be the problem. Are there any other ideas?