Network Certification/Training Question


New Member
Hi all! I'm new to the forum and I was hoping to get some advice from everyone. I've been out of college for 2 years now and currently working as an accountant and it's really not something I enjoy doing. =P What type of certification and training classes can I take in order to get started in networking as a career. I figured I should take the chance and explore new opportunities while I'm still young. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
I took a cisco course last year and that enabled me to pass the CompTIA Network+, A+ and the Cisco CCNA certification tests. Depending on your background in networking would tell what I would do in your position, if you have a good bit of experience, maybe look over some online resources or go buy some certification material at your local bookstore. A+ should be a first priority because it deals with all the hardware and software of basic computers and is considered a necessity as far as i'm concerned. As far as networking goes, Network+, Server+, any of the CompTIA certs would be good because they don't expire like Cisco ones do. Now if you don't have much networking experience (setting up a network at your house with a switch and a netgear plug and play router dosen't count) then finding a course in networking at a local vocational school or college would be your best bet. Let me know if you want any more info.