Network between XP and 98SE not working


VIP Member
Me and my brother had a while ago a perfectly working network setup, we both shared the same internet connection and we could copy files from each others comps like in a regular network between two or more comps. But now after re-installing XP on my computer we can't get it to work. My brothers comp (A) can't see himself or me in the network, I can see myself but not him. We both are sharing partitions on the network. We get our IP's from a router. It's like this
A=Brothers comp B=My comp R=Router I=Internet


If you understand what I mean.
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also, if this problem doesnt resolve itself soon... you may wanna look into upgrading the OS on the 98 machine to XP... XP has never been friendly with anything earlier than 2000 because Win2k is the only other NT based OS. Your 98 machine uses Fat32 which is not as secure as NTFS, so XP doesnt like to be friends with it.