Netgear Router


VIP Member
... refuses to work properly!

Sometimes it works, then it just cuts out. You think it's faulty?

... should've went with Linksys.
hard to say wether it is faulty or not with so little information on your setup. but yes, i linksys is great. i got there wireless-g router and love it! :)
It's always been like this :( Before I thought it was my cable modem just shorting out or something, but as soon as I hook the modem directly to my computer -- the porblem goes away.

Running Network Diagnostics, I get "FAILED" under DHCPServer.
You have to upgrade the firmware. This is a documented problem. I can't remember exactly where to get since its been a while. The company website should have instructions and the updated firmware.
I think I already tried that. But I've reset it since so I s'pose I'll have to do it again. I'll try after school :)