netgear dg834g ip problems

i recently got a netgear dg834g and i got it all hooked up. updated the firmware and set everything to be obtained automatically then called my internet provider and registered the mac address with the company and still couldn't pull up the ip which leaves me with no internet on that modem. if you have any knowledge on this topic please let me know. thanks
why on earth would your isp care what mac address you have! Anyway,... the best way to do dsl is to set your isp's modem to bridge mode (call them, they can tell you how to do it for your specific modem) and have your router do the authentication (PPPOE), make sure your router is also setup to handle the DHCP, and your firewall (if it has one), instead of a software one.
The netgear router is a very easy one to set up.

Just enter your DSL logon details into the basic setup page as you would on the computer that used to have the connection.

Choose PPPoE.