Need You Help Again!!!!!!!!


New Member
ok guys you know how i said that i got banned from the site? well i went on to the site through just my modem and its a different IP. i made a new name because my other ones wer disabled. and i found out that the the moderater of the forum had given out my name. is he even allowed to do that due to the rules? well anyway im really pissed at that because he posted my email, name, and what city and state i live in. i dont think that he is allowed to do this. i emailed him again and said to never do that again and he blocked that IP address. so im really getting pissed now. can someone tell me if he is allowed to give my name out like that?
thanks boarding

I do not think that that's allowed. In fact, I think it's illegal to do so. I would not pursue it any further, but I would boo boo with some legal stuff. You have the right to privacy when it comes to personal data.

thats exactly what i did. i told him that i was going to take him to court. and that he would have to fly up here with his money and pay the court fee's. i also told him that there would be an arrest warrent out for his arrest if he did not comply.
he hasnt sent me anything else so far.
thanks boarding