Need to install Audigy soundcard...


New Member
Okay I had a prob with this very sound card when I was using skype. (The mic wasn't working) So I took it out of my computer and everything was fine. Well I haven't used skype in forever and was wanting to put the sound card back in. Is it extremely difficult to install the drivers and whatever else needs to be done? I'm relatively new to this.
...i know it seems simplistic but I have done it before,

Make sure your mic is in the right hole (port...idk what you call them lol).
Thanks guys. Yeah it was in the right "hole" lol. I think it was something different. I fought with it for days before finally taking it out. I was going to install it myself the other day but my dad told me that it was going to be difficult. He has no faith in me lol!:P