Need some help with a class project...


New Member
Not compute related really and sorry for the "spam" but I figured i could get some help from everybody at the board.

As a project for a college course I'm taking we have to get as much traffic possible to our blog which will be up for another 2 weeks. If anybody has time to take a quick look i'd really appreciate it, our topic is the 2009 vancouver canucks playoff run. Thanks alot everybody, sorry for the spam.

There are a few polls as well if anybody has time!
Thanks everybody who has visited my blog so far, our class uses google web analytics to track visitors and CF is my largest source of traffic! thanks again. :D
Alright, just opened in a new tab, but if I have to sign up that takes more than 2min, sorry mate, I am just not that patient.
No sign up or registering is required for anything, just clicking the link helps me... thanks :D the group that gets the most traffic to their blog gets a 20% bonus on their project mark and I could really use them!