need help with sound


New Member
I have a problem with my sound speaker,s are altec lansing vs2220.They work on a laptop.I had sound 2 wk,s ago it just died on me.:confused:
I have a problem with my sound speaker,s are altec lansing vs2220.They work on a laptop.I had sound 2 wk,s ago it just died on me.:confused:
Can you be a little more direct about your post. I know that there is a problem with your sound device. I know your speakers. I know they work on your laptop, but were they not working on something else (such as your desktop, if available).

You said you had sound previously... On your desktop, right click on "My Computer" and click on "Properties."
Select "Hardware" tab and click on "Device Manager."

Are there any yellow exclamation marks next to any of your device? Hoping it could be the sound driver issue.
It seems that your "multimedia audio devices" does not have a driver for it or has been uninstalled somehow in the past.

What you can do is go back into there. Right click on the "multimeda audio devices" and click on "update driver." Choose the recommended settings and make sure you are online. If it can not find the driver, it should automatically try to search for the driver online. If it succeeds, then you got your driver.

If not, you will have to identify your sound card. Do you know which brand and model is it? Is it onboard? (like comes out directly from your motherboard or is another card such as PCI).
Then do you know what is your sound card?

If not, you can try "dxdiag."
Go to your START>Run. Type in "dxdiag" w/o the quotes.
Look under the "Sound" tab for anything that may hint it's brand and model.

Another method is to download this tool that may help identify it also. It also has many great features and is a great tool.
Yeah, there is no driver. that's why you are not getting any sound. All that's left is that you need to identify the sound card. Did you try the program?