Yesterday I found this really intersting film about round where I live in 1984 that had 14 parts to it to fit in the length of time. It took 6 hours to download the whole thing onto the computer. I was so annyed with it that it spoilt my day yesterday as I was going to go to the gym. At this day centre I go to they have a special programme on their youtube with a link next to the youtube video to download it which my computer does not have alothough I now have an account on youtube. It downloads quicker on their computer. I would like to know how you get youtube videos to download quicker to your computer.
close any other processes/programs that make use of the internet (torrent programs, browser windows, etc)
by the way, what do you use to download YouTube videos?
EDIT: Actually, I know another, surefire way of downloading a movie as a WHOLE. Most modern connection speeds nowadays would take about 1.5 - 2 hours. But sadly, talking about it is forbidden in this forum.
-Install java...
-Go to and paste the youtube video link there,click DOWNLOAD and choose the type you want.You can also save the video as MP3 audio format...