Need conformation on two way sata switch


New Member
Hi, I've followed this

I can't make out were the black grounds go to and i don't want to blow my drive if i'm wrong, it's either one or the other but i'm not willing to chance this and waste something when hopefully i can just ask and someone can answer so i'm 99% sure if i get an answer.

As you can see in the picture bellow..........


The two black grounds on Sata A are joined and the two black grounds on sata B are joined, well at least i think they are ?

Then they go of to one of the molex blacks. What i'm actually confused about is what one goes to what. I'm wondering if this deppends at all on were the red from the molex and the yellow from the molex goes to ON the switch....

Hopefully without me getting too far into things, someone can see were i'm going with this and spare me the brain power to compleatly explain the rest to you because really i'm finding it hard myself.

All i would like to know is if i have Sata A (the red and yellow wires) going to the left of the switch (top and bottom) and the other Sata B going to the right of the switch (top and bottom) and the molex (the red and yellow) going to the middle of the switch (top and bottom) and there Coded too yellow on the top, red to the bottom or the other way around it doesn't matter, were on the molex cable would i join the black grounds (remember there joined now) from sata A and were would i join the black grounds from Sata B to black ground on the molex. We have two choices (in picture form to make things easier)....


So without you trying to come up with the best way to reply, i'll make things easier for you... Answer either:

Sata A black grounds go to black on the Molex next to the red Or Sata B black grounds go to black on the Molex next to the red...

Remember: Please only answer if you're sure and have taken into consideration were Sata A and Sata B Red and yellows are going to the switch.

Would really appreciate an answer been planning this for a wile just getting around to it .

Thank You
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Technically it doesn't matter.

All the grounds go to the same plane anyway (not really, but for your purposes it doesn't matter). You can prove this by taking a multimeter and checking voltage across +5 volt and one ground, and +5 volt and the other ground. Your multimeter will show 5+ both ways.

If you wanted to keep them separated, the pictures have them wired wrong anyway. The 12+ rail would have grounds from both SATA A and SATA B as you put it. And 5+ rail would have grounds from both SATA A and SATA B. Only way to tell about that is find a Molex to SATA power adapter and trace the grounds (but most of those are cheap anyway and just do what I'm about to suggest below)

And that is, tie all the grounds together into one. You won't blow anything. Just double check all your solder joints and things with a multimeter to be safe.

In the end, I write this to ask, why? Whats the point of being able to shut off power to a specific hdd compared to another. I can understand turning off power to both (ie, hot swapping the drives) but one wouldn't spin up in time to cancel the effects of the other shutting off...would it?

Best of luck.
Thanks for the reply. I'm just going to leave it as it is then.

As for my reason, simple. On and Off technically On and On but you flick one side and power on the PC you boot to say windows, you power down the PC and flick, now i boot to something else which i'm still deabating whether to linux or XBMC.

Hopefully you can understand my reason, no boot screen just log straight on as soon as i'm power up. :)

Thanks again for the reply.
Logic makes sense like maybe a 3 way switch. then again i would rather open from the load side and not the common or negative.

Only because its more esthetically correct.
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