need advice on getting or making a script


VIP Member

I would like to make a script that will automatically toss all of our network settings into the proper settings.

This would be for windows platform.

Mainly I need this for wireless set up. I would like to have a blank script I could toss in the WEP, WPA, WPA2 settings in and be able to edit it for each location. We have several buildings (over 50) we support at my job and lots of different wifi networks. I have a script that runs the wep for our wep wifi but you can't edit the script. When you open it with notepad and edit the settings it never changes them to what you edit them to.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Almost everything else we just run regkey scripts and that seems to do the trick for our netware settings.
Just take that script, make the modifications, and save it as a completely different file, then just use that file.
i wish it were that easy, i think some update or when you modify the text the script breaks

anyone know off the top of their head the registry keys used for wireless security, I can always make a reg key script for it.
I guess I can use the windows built in networking wizard and just save the executable for each network, but you cannot edit those once you make them.

I was looking for something I could edit on the fly, like the scripts we use for imaging.