Need a new background


New Member
Hi is there a way of adding a background to a photo of my children i have taken,i also have some old school photos with faded backgrounds can i change the backgrounds for such items as sea,clouds,mountains ect, and what programes can i use.
I think i have unlead photo express + photo cool 360 could i use picasso?

Thanks JK
Picasso looks a bit basic, from what I've seen.

You can use any good editing program, there's a free 30 day trial of Fireworks here, it's an amazing program I use it all the time, I did this with it (Just to show what can be done) Original Image:


Me Edited Version:


It shouldn't be too hard to change the background, simply cut around the person and put them on a picture with a background you want...

If you post the picture you want changing and a background I'm sure me and some others would be happy to give it a go :)

Cheers for the reply(cool picture) i think ill try Fireworks and see if i can work it out,if not i will be back.How do i post the picture here as the file is to big to use the attatchment link?
I see one of your pics is in the GIF format, this only supports a max of 256 colours and doesn't lend itself very well to the pasting of a JPEG pic. It also has a very low resolution, more than likely someone will use another background as an example.:)

Thats fine i just found it in my pictures folder
did not even think about file type,just picked
it because it was plain,i just wanted to see how well
you can actually do this to a photo and if its worth
it as i have some old photos with bad backgrounds.