Need A Adaptor..But done know the name


New Member
:confused: i jus bought a new monitor..but the thing was with my old monitor the speakers power could be stuck into the monitor and it just gt the power from there....the new monitor dosnt have isnt as simple as just pluggin it it because its a small round pin like the type you stick into a laptop to charge it..problem is..i need one that sticks into a plug so i can get power to the is dis done???:confused:
Look around on the speakers for the rating. Most are something like 12VDC. Then you simply need to find a similar power addaptor. You should also see something with an mA rating, but as long as the new addaptor is the same or more, you'll be fine.

Where to find them? Radio Shack might have some. If you live around a place like BigLots they might have some old ones laying around. Etc...

Once you have something, you should be able to just cut some wires and connect the plug from the old wire to the new one. You'll need to worry about polarity, but that's as easy as just switching the wires around...(weither the + or - is on the inside or outside of the plug)
problem is the wires from insde the speacker..u cnt take it i need a plug that you can put the original round thing into