Name of computer keys / symbols


New Member
Hi. I'm writing software to teach people how to type, which I intend to make available free for all and open source, so that others can port it to other keyboard layouts. My primary reason for this is because I want to learn to type Russian. Basically making program that teaches typing in English is the first step, then on changing language is simple.

I want to know what some of these symbols on U.S. keyboard are called.

` -- this is tilde?
~ -- or is this tilde? then what's the name of the other one?
^ -- SHIFT + 6
| -- SHIFT + \

I need to know what to call these so that I can write help and explain what those keys are called. Little detail but you're stuck if you don't know what they are called. Please give me some hints.
` -
^ -
( -Left Bracket OR Left Perenthesis
) - Right Bracket OR Right Perenthesis
; - Semi-Colon
: - Colon
' - Apostrophe
" - Speech Marks

the others I am not sure of, the [ and ] I just call square brackets, so I cuppose square left bracket and square right bracket
Cool thanks. But are you sure about " being speech marks.. I wasn't sure but thought it was called a quote. Someone let me know please.
~ = tidal
` = back tick
^ = carot
| = pipe
[] = brackets I was going to google a site that just explains it but I seem to keep failing at finding one.
Hi. I'm writing software to teach people how to type, which I intend to make available free for all and open source, so that others can port it to other keyboard layouts. My primary reason for this is because I want to learn to type Russian. Basically making program that teaches typing in English is the first step, then on changing language is simple.

I want to know what some of these symbols on U.S. keyboard are called.

` -- this is tilde?
~ -- or is this tilde? then what's the name of the other one?
^ -- SHIFT + 6
| -- SHIFT + \

I need to know what to call these so that I can write help and explain what those keys are called. Little detail but you're stuck if you don't know what they are called. Please give me some hints.

` (prime) <-- not sure
~ tilde
^ caret
( open parenthesis
) close parenthesis
[ open square bracket
{ open bracket
] close square bracket
} close bracket
| pipe
; semicolon
: colon
' apostrophe or single quote
" double quote
< less than
> greater than
` (prime) <-- not sure
~ tilde
^ caret
( open parenthesis
) close parenthesis
[ open square bracket
{ open bracket
] close square bracket
} close bracket
| pipe
; semicolon
: colon
' apostrophe or single quote
" double quote
< less than
> greater than

` is called a backtick. It is use a lot in programming.