My Wireless Router Disconnects Frequently

I have a Netgear WGT624v2 a 108 Mbps wireless router.

The router is set up in the attic for a good brodcasting range. Where I do most of my surfing from, I am about 30-50 ft from the router. I have a laptop and connect via a Netgear card.

I have no problems receiving email but when i browse a few certain sites I tend to get disconnected from them. I browse Mammoth Mountain website (the cams and other stuff too), Surfline (webcams, weather, etc) and I play online poker.

While I'm watching a cam for example, I loose the wireless connectivity. When I'm playing poker, I get disconnected and have to start over.

Has anyone else here run into this sort of interference and what you did to solve it, it would be much helpful.

It's driving me crazy!


Just checking, but you have tried to hard reset the router and the card? Does it seem like the card is resetting itself, or is it just purely loosing connection to the router?