my volume go's up and down on it's own


New Member
yeah it does this not all the time but 4-5 times a day. i was wondering what the issue could. it did it with my old pc as well as my new one i just got a few days ago.
what application are you using to palyback music files? Or is it just in general sounds, like windows sounds that the volume fluctuates.

Also, is it like, some songs are loud and some are quiet or is it constantly up and down during one song?

Please describe

Then it is probably something to do with your speakers sounds like something is faulty with them.

yeah i know it not my sound card.

so i guess new speaker are needed?

i need some help pickin some. i need some that are cheap and are great for gameing,music listening also i record my own music so it has to be good for mixing music as well. a 2.1 would be fine.
try X-230's from Logitech. I have the 5.1 version, the X-530's and they're awesome. A lot of people here would agree.
those are kinda cheap lookin. i'm willing to spend $150-$200. that one's i have a now are boston acoustic they sound great when the volume is'nt jumping up and down.
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those are kinda cheap lookin. i'm willing to spend $150-$200. that one's i have a now are boston acoustic they sound great when the volume is'nt jumping up and down.

What model do you have? Cause the Boston Acoustics computer speakers I've seen look very cheapo. Logitechs are definitely quality built and excellent sound quality.
How do these look cheap?