my speakers are really quiet, what do I do???


New Member
Hey, I tried everything and my speakers just won't get loud, everythings set up on full blast and it still doesn't work I plugged the speakers in on my old computer and they get loud, but not on this computer, I'm guessing that the sound card just sucks a**, so what's a good soundcard, if that's the problems, I have 1 PCI express x16, 1 PCI Express x1, than I have 2 PCI slots open, also I know this isn't the right topic to ask this question in, but is there something that converts s-vid into just the regular video? I got a video card that has an s-vid part on it to plug it into the tv, but I'm guessing that the s-vid part on my tv is broken because it isn't working, I suppose I could pull the Sega Genesis out of my closet and check to see if it's the tv or the video card that's screwed up, I'll do that later and post back here, I can still return the video card if it is that, but hopefully it's not that, if it is I might just ignore it and only use it with my monitor, but hopefully I can use it on my tv.
I did, like I said earlier, I turned everything on full blast, it might be because I didn't have any speakers meant for the computer, so I spliced some speakers from my tv, but that still wouldn't explain why it works on my other computer and not this one.

BTW, this is my 100th post :)
Last edited: might be because I didn't have any speakers meant for the computer
You just answered your own question. If you want to use ANY type of speakers on here(besides most headphones) you'll need some form of amplifier. I have used boxed/car speakers on my computer before with a car amp. It's fairly easy to rig.
You just answered your own question. If you want to use ANY type of speakers on here(besides most headphones) you'll need some form of amplifier. I have used boxed/car speakers on my computer before with a car amp. It's fairly easy to rig.

Really? I would like to do that, how would you provide power to an amp?
I took a standard 12v DC transformer(like what's used for many other devices) and connected the + and - respectivly. Then I jumped the + to the auto-on connection(the thing that powers the amps when your radio's cut on...) and it worked great.
I took a standard 12v DC transformer(like what's used for many other devices) and connected the + and - respectivly. Then I jumped the + to the auto-on connection(the thing that powers the amps when your radio's cut on...) and it worked great.

O cool, ill have to do that.
yeah, same here, I guess for now I'll just have to get used to my computer being really quiet, which one do you think would be least expensive??

I'm going to try my headphones to see if that'd work first, so that I don't spend anything on something that doesn't work
Some of my older sound cards had much more power than current ones. Particually off-board/expansion ones. I had a couple that actually had jumpers to disable their amp...