my printer is printing in 8 (or less) point font; how do I get it to go back to 12?


New Member
my printer started printing in 6 (or less) point font; how do I get it to go back to printing in 12, like it used to?
Is it your printer or the document you are trying to print? What printer do you have?
I think the problem is the printer because it does it to most documents
my printer is an: HP LaserJet 4 Plus
I am thinking it just needs a reset to its defaults but I don't know how to do that other than to turn it on and off which is not working.
Returns all configuration and printing menu selections to the factory default settings.

This is performed by holding down the online key while turning the printer on. The purpose is a "last resort" effort to clear the printer of any suspected glitches. It is advisable to run a 05 Self-Test before the reset to retain a hard copy of all the current printer settings.

Info from this page.