My laptop heats too fast

New Member

Im new to this forum and i need some help with my laptop. I really got many problems of this and it started it after i reformat.

Below are the problems:

1. My cursor jumps every time i type so it breaks all the words im typing.
2. My laptop heats too fast that i need to use electric fan always
3. it suddenly shut down, i dont know if its because it heats too fast or what.

Can someone give me advice in this kind of problem? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks

When is the last time you blew out your vents? That's the first thing I would do-- get some compressed air and thoroughly blow all the dust (and dust bunnies) out of your fan and heatsink vents.

Don't set the laptop on the carpet, couch, bed while running. Use a hard surface that allows air to get to and away from those vents.

A cooling mat wouldn't hurt. A double-capacity battery lifts the back end of the laptop (most laptops have their vents in the back) and that can help as well.

If the laptop travels around a lot,t hen you might have to renew the thermal compound(s) between the processor and GPU and the heatsink(s). This takes a lot of work, as you will have to disassemble the laptop significantly, if not completely. If you feel you can't do that, then you might find a good repairman to do it for you.

As for the touchpad-- if your laptop doesn't have a button to turn off the touchpad, then place a piece of cardboard or thick paper in the touchpad niche to prevent your hand from causing the cursor to jump as you type.
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"Oh, I'll just pop down to the corner store and pick up another can of liquid nitrogen... I gots me some gamin' to do!"


I live in an irrigated desert... for us, cold never approaches freezing.
Your fan is probably spinning that fast because either CPU or GPU chip is overheating and cannot transfer the heat on the cooler properly because the thermal paste is probably dry.If that's the case,you will need to remove the old thermal paste from the chips and the cooler and replace it with the new one.Just note that you will need to open your laptop completely to do that since those things are in the deepest area of the laptop unforcenately.

But before you do that,try something more simple.Open your laptop and clean all the dirt and dust from the inside of the cooler,fan and that area around.If it's clean then you will probably need to redo the thermal paste on all chips which contain it.

Also be sure that the fan is spinning properly.It can be that is has jumped away from it's original position.

First question...did you maybe by any chance touched anything in BIOS?
Either way,try loading OPTIMAL DEFAULTS and see if that helps.

Second question...does the fan start to spin so fast even when you are in BIOS only or only if you are in Windows?
If it happens only in Windows,it can be that you have a virus which does that.So what you can try is to load some external OS such as Linux Ubuntu from the CD disk and then see how the fan spins then.If it spins okay ni the external OS then you will need to either clean your Windows OS from viruses or simply reformat and reinstall Windows OS.
So try to leave a laptop running for at least an hour in that Linux Ubuntu external OS and see how the fan spins.Do the same thing by leaving it on for an hour in BIOS and see how the fan spins there too.

If none of this did not help then you will probably need to redo the thermal paste on all components that contain it.And that is pretty complicated if you do not know how to do it properly.

Cheers mate!