My internet hates me.


New Member
Last night, I was playing Counter Strike: Source for quite a long period of time. I've had no problems with my internet connection until last night. Around 10-12, my internet starts giving me HUGE lag spikes. Now, I live in a 5 man house, with a WEP secured wireless network+ MAC filter, so usually when I get lag spikes like this, it's because of my roommates. Anyways, I check around the house to see that they're all sleeping, so I reboot my computer. After I reboot, to my horror, my internet connection has stopped. I can't load any web pages, connect to any servers, nil. So I took a few minutes in trying to identify the problem:

1. Changed the network card in my computer in case it was a hardware issue, still did not work. Not a hardware problem.
2. Used the same ethernet cable on another computer in the vicinity, and the internet worked. Not a cable problem.
3. Internet worked for everyone in the house, wireless and cabled. Not a router or ISP problem.

So I assumed it was a configuration problem in my computer. I tried using a wireless receiver via USB and it STILL did not pick up a signal. I tried readding my connection, but was stuck with a message saying that it was a problem in my configuration. Now, I'm stumped as to what to do and how to do it. I don't want to waste 100 bucks on a networking technician so I'm putting my trust onto you, Computer Forum, to deliver me from my problem. Thanks in advance for everything and sorry if my English is not good.
Installed anything lately? If not, to get your original computer settings back by going to start> control panel> performance and maintenance> system restore (very top left hand corner). If that doesnt fix it, windows might be messed up deeper then just settings. At first I thought it was an isp problem, but you said no to that. Is your router still working good? do you have your network setup with static IP's (try a different network ip)? Tried 'repairing' your wireless connection (disable then re-enable it)? Tried a wired connection with your computer and the router?

By the way, your english is a LOT better then some peoples.