My hard drive space are getting smaller and smaller


New Member
And it sucks. I'm not doing anything special at all, not downloading, not putting in music or anything.

1 hour ago I maked some space so that the space was 1,25gb.

Now, it's 303 mb. :(

Does anybody now what my problem is?
Windows Updates maybe? Try turning them off an see what that does. I've had this problem before.:D
Go to Control Panel > Security Centre > Click automatic updates at the bottom > Click the turn them off tab.;)
Windows Updates maybe? Try turning them off an see what that does. I've had this problem before.:D
Go to Control Panel > Security Centre > Click automatic updates at the bottom > Click the turn them off tab.;)

In that case, Windows updates are all the time. I've had this problem for 3 months + now. :(
And a strange thing is that I find around 7 gb on the hard drive, and its about 14 gb big. Where are the rest 7gb??
I would do an AVG scan, i had a trojan horse once, it ate 2gb and was getting worse avg fixed that though.
And a strange thing is that I find around 7 gb on the hard drive, and its about 14 gb big. Where are the rest 7gb??

What I'm guessing is that you have 7 GB on your C: Drive and 7 GB on ur D: drive. Try moving some of your files over to the D: drive or when you are downloading and saving new files save it to the D: drive.
use ccleaner to get rid of MS update uninstallers (your choice) and other junk
disable system restore if you never use it
So I scanned the computer with AVG.

All I found was 22 tracking cookies.

Getting kinda desperate here now. :(