My Desktop doesnt show anything :( pls help.


New Member

I am new to trouble shooting issues with a Desktop.

I borrowed a desktop, and when I took it home it never shows anything on the screen.

Here is as much specs as I can find.

Motherboard: P5GD1

RAM: 2 x 512 DIMM 184


Processor: I cannot read. P4 I assume.

Maxtor 200GB HD

LG DVD burner.

CPU Fan turns on
Processor cooling fan turns on
Video Card Fan turns on
HD turns on
DVD RW Lights up
Motherboard Light Stays on

Send any picture at all to the Monitor (it has DVI and SVGA and I only use SVGA)
Power On any PS/2 Keyboard
Connect with USB Keyboard (keyboard glows cause its backlit but pressing caps lock or num lock doesnt make the side lights do anything)
Sound Like its booting windows ( only sounds like the hdd is spinning slowly)

Any troubleshooting tips I can try to diagnose what it could be that is messing up?:good:

thanks everyone.
If your not gettinga post (no beeps) then there is something wrong with either the video card or memory if i were to guess.
Ok, so replace the video card with a known functioning one, and hopefully it shows something on the screen and/or make beeps.
i would try removing 1 stick of ram at a time (figuring you have more than 1) even try taking them all out... you should get beeps saying you dont have memory... and yes try swapping a video card. but i would start with ram.
I'd say bad power supply or bad motherboard. Could be many things though. Typically if RAM is bad you get error beeps or the computer boots but begins acting up. Bad video card, typically you'll get beeps as well. However, I've seen seen bad hard drives prevent a computer from doing squat...

Best thing to do, remove everything from the computer and rebuild it. Pull the video card (well any PCI cards) RAM, disconnect the IDE/SATA for all drives (power should be fine). If you have internal card readers or anything that uses USB inside the computer like that, pull them too. Turn the computer on and see if anything different happens. You SHOULD get a series of long, continous beeps. If you don't, maybe throw a stick of RAM in and see if you get the no video beep (or video if you have onboard video). If you still get nothing, it's probably PSU or motherboard related.
the reason why i say ram is because that is one of the first things that POST checks, and i have seen bad ram cause this problem numerous times. it will usually only give you a error code if the ram is missing. from what I have seen... anywho i hope the combined info here fixes the problem... it should.
Ok thank you everyone for your suggestions,

I removed 1 stick of ram, No Beeps

Both Sticks of Ram, No beeps.

Removed Video Card, No beeps.

Unplugged data cable from HD, No Beeps.

everything sounds identical as before, HD still does exact same startup noise/movement. you have another power supply you could try? Sounds like it's pretty much down to that or the motherboard at this point.
did you replace the video card or just remove it?
PSU is probable.
MOBO is very probable but kind of the end of the line huh.
this desktop that Im trying to fix, looks like normal tower.

my only other desktop in the house is a HP ALL onboard junk. HP Pavillion A1020n, With a bunch of Motherboard Capacitors Popped.

The power supply on that devicelooks like a monster. Are they compatible?
Dell's I believe were the only normal PC manufacture who use weird PSU wiring. Aside from that, both computers should use standard ATX power supplies. All you'd really need to worry about is if the HP power supply is strong enough. I know HP/Compaqs are known to have pretty poor/weak power supplies.
Can some one help me here. my problem is that every time a boot up my computer the screen start to jump as long as it boot up then it stop. I'm wondering what could cause the problem . Any recommendation would be accepted Thanks in advance
Can some one help me here. my problem is that every time a boot up my computer the screen start to jump as long as it boot up then it stop. I'm wondering what could cause the problem . Any recommendation would be accepted Thanks in advance

either power supply, harddrive or motherboard.