My computer is slow, I know, but please read.


New Member
My internet as been slow as of late and I am stumped at to what it is. My internet is supposed to be 15m DL and 1mUL. I have a Modem that is about 2 years old connected to a Linksys router. I have the wireless shut off and an Xbox 360 and my desktop connected to it.

When I am on You Tube I need to sometimes let the videos load before I can watch them. I havent had this problem since my DSL days when I lived at my parents house. My Xbox Live even seems slow.

I do Speed tests and the speed comes up pretty close to what my ISP offers going through the router and directly to the Modem. I have ran all the virus scans and spyware scans and it is clean. I still have the problems. I cant think of what else to do. My ISP "says" the modem is fine and they arent experiencing any problems. This has been the same for a few months now.

WTF am I missing? I want to make sure I have all my bases covered before I call the ISP again.
What web browser are you using?

Running CCleaner once a week wouldnt hurt either

If you getting good speed results from then, your browser is your culprit
What web browser are you using?

Running CCleaner once a week wouldnt hurt either

If you getting good speed results from then, your browser is your culprit

CC cleaner should help some because it will clear all those uneeded internet files
What web browser are you using?

Running CCleaner once a week wouldnt hurt either

If you getting good speed results from then, your browser is your culprit

I use Firefox and Google Chrome sometimes. I have the problem with both.

Is CCleaner a free program? I dont currently have it.
Every now and then your modem/router may need to be powered down and reset to gain the speed back. Try this... Turn everything off, modem, router, pc's and xbox, then wait a minute, plug modem back in and let it sync up where all lights are on, then plug router back in and let it sync up. Finally turn computers on and see how it is now.
year ccleaner os free (stands for crap cleaner) it will help and clear out all the temp files and cookies

Appears to have worked.

Every now and then your modem/router may need to be powered down and reset to gain the speed back. Try this... Turn everything off, modem, router, pc's and xbox, then wait a minute, plug modem back in and let it sync up where all lights are on, then plug router back in and let it sync up. Finally turn computers on and see how it is now.

I know.....

EDIT: Still running slow. Just surfing is ok but when I go to you tube I still have to let some videos buffer for a bit before I can watch them straight through. Any other ideas?
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This happens to me on youtube too. I think it's Youtube's fault and not your internet speed because it happens at both my apartment and at my parents house.