On my computer I have regular audio and bluetooth audio and I want both to play at once. How would I go about getting both to play at once? I should probably know this, but I don't so any suggestions would be appreciated.
It depends on how you are using the audio there. One would clash with the other for default Windows sounds right away. But different devices like tv tuner cards allows for the selection of things like a different sound source. Running both at once even with some media player would more likely fail. There you would choose one or the other for output.
The only conceivable idea would be some type of sound mixer whether an external device there or some software specific for this. Windows itself will look for one source only for everything including WMP since that will play wav files that would otherwise be assigned to different functions. It would likely need the skill of a software designer to create a program to see both bypass the normal Windows functions for this. While not always the best reference the link here should give you the general idea on Blue Tooth technology and how it is used. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth
A brief description at Webopedia goes as follows.
"A short-range radio [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]technology[/color][/color] aimed at simplifying communications among Internet devices and between devices and the Internet. It also aims to simplify data synchronization between Internet devices and other computers.
Products with Bluetooth technology must be qualified and pass interoperability testing by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group prior to release. Bluetooth's founding members include Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba. Also see the Wireless LAN Standards chart in the <A href="http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/" v_6dd="0" huNlD="0">Quick Reference section of Webopedia." http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/B/bluetooth.html