MSI gtx 670 power edition

An extra $25...internationally shipping has just gone through the roof lately.

Also wanted to say the date code is 9/12 so the warranty is good until 10/1/15. Nearly 2 years warranty left.
How much additional performance would you expect a card like that to give over a GTX560Ti 448 Core? I have the EVGA FTW edition with a moderate OC.

I've heard the GTX670 is also a good overclocker?

Trying to find comparisons between these cards seems to be impossible!
The FTW version 448 core is gonna be right around gtx 570 performance. A stock 670 is about 25% stronger than a 570-

This 670 has a factory 104mhz overclock, which is already 11% over a reference model. The overclock puts it right on with a stock GTX 680 performance wise which would make it ~32% stronger than a stock gtx 570. I never saw the need to overclock this card any further.

Remember though, not only is it 30+% stronger, it runs cooler, quieter, and consumes less power.
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