MP3's and CD's freezing up my computer, but movies play fine


New Member
So I've recently purchased a Dell Inspiron 1721, took out vista after using it for about a week and put xp back in (my computer runs AMAZING with XP) It's a 2.2GHz Dual-Core Processor with 2GB's of ram.
to my problem, anytime i play a mp3 or cd on my computer my computer freezes right up and I can't take control of my computer until the playlist is done or I restart my computer.However I can watch as many movies as I want and have NO problems what so-ever. Mp3 or CD's for whatever reasons lock my computer right up, i've tried a million different way to fix this problem, switching drivers, adjusting sound card setting, using a different media player(s)(I currently use VLC media player religiously) I have NO CLUE. anyone out there got any advice for me:confused:? It's driving me mental :eek::eek:

I should also mention that my computer came with Vista Home Preimum or w.e it's called. I never had this problem until i switched over to XP. Everything else runs soo much better on my computer, just this problem.