mp3 server


New Member
I want to turn one of my computers to a mp3 server

Can someone help me out

pc specs

win 2k
pentium 4 3.0

If you want to turn it into just a server you could use something like maslite ( it runs of a floppy disk/cd/usb pen drive (depending on whiuch version you get) and would allow you to access files directly on your hdd via ftp or http, although the downside to this is that it runs outside of windows, so you would have to remove windows. If you wanted to keep windows you could simple share the folder with all your mp3's in, as that is what i currentyl do.
what exactly do you want this server to do, what functionality do you want. How are you to be accessing it etc....
How are they to have access, are they on you network or do you want them to access via the web