Moving on to i7


Active Member
Ive decided to make the i7 leap. Gotta recoup some of my money. So if you like anything, make me an offer I cant refuse:


C2D E6550- I have OCed it (to 3.5GHz stable) but its always been responsibly and always been on water cooling.



EVGA nForce 790i Ultra Motherboard- seen here



Koolance Water Cooled Case w/ Zalman water block for LGA 775- I am not sure what the model is or anything but it is a computer case with the water cooling system built into it. Its got a monster radiator accross the top of the case. And this case is giant, you could fit a bull elephant in it. I can include the 500W 80+ Antec PSU also if you want.


EDIT: I will make a straight trade for a nice case (used is fine) because I dont have an LGA 1366 waterblock and this case has bad airflow with the WCing system off. Would really like a


HIS Radeon 4870 512MB with Zalman VF1000 installed on it. Never OCed.



2GB Stick of DDR3 1066.



I have a Zalman water block on my E6550 so that will be included for whoever wants it.

EDIT: I went ahead and bought i7 already so i can part out now but i have to keep the case until i sell mobo or CPU+RAM so I have the cash for another case.

So... I will entertain trades for a nice case and/or 600+ W PSU (to power i7 + GTX285).




Yes I do have the side panel I just had it off while I was installing parts.



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Why are you selling your RAM, why not just buy another stick to have 3 and do tripple channel on the new board?
Why are you selling your RAM, why not just buy another stick to have 3 and do tripple channel on the new board?

i think you will find that not all DDR3 sticks will support tri channel, oldder stuff is only dual channel.