Mouse trouble.


New Member
I'm having trouble with my cursor it travels to the top of the computer all on it's own.I changed the mouse but i'm still having the same problem your help would be much appreciated,cheers.:)
Come on people dont let me down,someone must know the answer.It gets on your nerves when you are doing something in Photoshop and away it goes
as if by magic.cheers.
What kind of mouse?

what version of the OS, assuming you are on Windows?

Have you recently changed any drivers, or ran any updates for the mouse/system?

Did the mouse ever work at one time?
Windows 7 and Logiteck wireless and Trust laser.I was working with Photoshop when it first happened and i thought it was down to Photoshop but it does the same when i am just reading a post on here.But it is not all the time.:)
Not updated or changed any drivers.
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what happens if you completly uninstall the drivers..then re-install them?
what happens if you completly uninstall the drivers..then re-install them?

Never done anything like that and i would be nervous of doing it as i know nothing about computers.As i say it is not all the time,sorry if i'm not all that helpfull.
Uninstalling the mouse drivers wont harm anything mate,What id do is uninstall whatever software comes with that mouse in the Add/remove....Then download the latest drivers for your mouse....install and restart the computer.
Nevakonaza i'v wrote down what you have told me to do and on Saturday when my son comes round i will ask him to do it for me.Then if he mucks it up i can blame him :D thanks for your time and trouble mate.
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Nevakonaza mate,son came down and i told him what was happening because as i said it did not happen all the time.He put Photoshop on and it started straight away so he uninstalled it then reinstalled it and touch wood not problems.I would like to thank you and the other posters for your time,cheers.:)
have you changed the serfice that the mouse is on? try a mouse pad if you dont have one or are alredy useing one try a book with a white sheet of paper