Monitor won't display?


New Member
I'm not sure if there's a thread to this but do tell me to correct.

I just had my computer fixed at a local shop,
replaced the motherboard and Memory card.

I just came home and assembled the Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Power cords on the CPU.

I tried turning the CPU on it did, but the monitor didn't even budge.

Did i forget to connect something? D:
Thank you so much
I'd first suggest opening up the case and seeing if the monitor port is connected to the motherboard (since I'm a newbie, that may be a shot in the dark). But supposing you have all your external connections hooked up correctly, and it worked before you took it in, that may be a possibility.
If it is integrated video, then make sure that all cables are attached, monitor is powered on, and that you are not getting any beep codes or is there is a debug LED, make sure it is not hanging on a code. Also, if you have digital video (HDMI, Display port, or HDMI) try with a analog connection to test it. May be an issue there, I know my old HP G61 would not boot with a HDMI cable on, but would with VGA.

If you have a dedicated card, reseat the card and try again. Also make sure that you have the power cables attached to the video cable.
I believe it is because the video card changed resolution. I had two displays, working removed one still working. Moved the computer and now no display works. I tried repair and getting into safe mode on Xp with no luck it goes straight to windows Xp and obtain a black screen instead of my desktop.