modem for fedora


New Member
I have linux (fedora core 3) installed on my computer, and i would like to be able to connect to the internet via a dial up modem, but the modem i have wil no tbe recognized , and i ma to lazy to figure out how to get new drivers installed for it. Is there a modem that will be recognized and will work out of the box(I do not want to download and install new drivers) and if so were could i find it, a link would be great

thanks for the help
What make of modem is it? it could be quite useful to just do a quick search on google for linux drivers for it, as it isn't all difficult, i found that installing my printer on linux was far easier than on windows
Try double clicking on the file you created, then look for install (this is what i had to do on mepis), but i am not too experienced on linux, so if that doesn't work could you possibly send a few screen shots, of what happens when u try to open it