Minecraft for Windows

We need to download the standard windows version of Minecraft. When I google "Download Minecraft" I get links to download Minecraft Bedrock and Java, but apparently that is not what we need. We need the free window version.
Does that make sense to anyone? Can you please help me to find the link that I need to download it?
Thanks - (confused father of a 9-year-old child)
As far as I know there is no free version anymore. There may be some pseudo-free ways like with Prime Gaming or GamePass or somes-uch though

If you buy Minecraft from https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-deluxe-collection-pc (which is what I think you found) you get Bedrock and Java.

Does your child have more details that might help? Are they trying to play with friends online? I suspect the above will be what you are looking for, any old instructions referencing a Mojang account are out of date, you need to use a Microsoft account now.