Migrating to win 11question


New Member
Hi all, glad to be here, I'm helping an older friend with win 10, the computer she has right now is 5 or 6 years old she wants an upgrade to a new computer with win 11, I fixed computers in the past but it's been a while 7 years or more. The thing she wants to do is keep all her docs, files, pics, word docs well just about everything including all desktop items and keep them on her new computer is it possible to do this so her new CPU is the same way as the old one.
Thanks for any help


New Member
Windows 11 uses the same folder structure at Windows 10. So transferring documents would be no issue.

Supported versions of software like Microsoft Office (2016 to present) can be safely reinstalled on Windows 11. Office 2010 and 2013 are out of support but work largely fine on Windows 11. You will require a product key for Office 2010, the others can be downloaded from their Microsoft account.

Other software such as printers, should be freshly download from the manufacturers websites.

As far a layout goes, Windows 11 can be setup to look much the same as Windows 10.

Hope this helps.


Staff member
What are the current specs of the machine? If it's decent enough you can just upgrade to 11 for free.