microphone problem


New Member
My microphine is being stupid. When I'm using it it will give a fuzzy crackling sound even if im not talking. Everyone finds it annoying. Ive tried 2 different mics and got the same problem. Ive tried the mics on diff computers and they worked fine. I want to know the problem. Could it be in my sound card or something?
There maybe a problem in the connection port of your microphone, which would be your sound card. You say it works in other computers, I would put it down to your soundcard having a bad conenction to your computer.

Also depends on the brand of your sound card and also how new the mics are. Some mics will not work with old sound cards. Or produce the noise you are telling us about.
Yeah I thought it was in my soundcard. Im just using the thing thats built in to the an old motherboard i have. Ive got a $300 motherboard on the way and im going to pick up a sound card too i guess.