Menu Bar IE9


New Member
Hey guys...Hope all are well...I've run accross by accident how to restore the menu bar after installing IE9: just press the Alt key once, but as soon as I commit to another action or try to navigate; it disappears again...I miss the menu bar...Anyone else run accross this and any ideas on how to keep the bar active...Thanks...LWL
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Menu bar in IE9 not shown by default, users need to press Alt button on keyboard to access it, if you are one of those users always want menu bar to display in IE9 and that too on top, here is how to turn on menu bar by default in IE9 and move menu bar to top.

We are using built-in Group Policy Editor here.

Enabling Menu bar by default in IE9

1.Click Start>run and type gpedit.msc and press Enter

2.Now on the left pane select User Configuration>Administrative Templates>select Windows Components

3.Now on the right pane select Internet Explorer and double click it

4.Select Turn on menu bar by default and double click it and select “Enabled”

5.Click Apply and Ok to save changes, and close Group policy editor (keep it open if you do want menu bar on top in IE9).

Now you can observe menu bar in IE9 but it will be below navigation bar, if you want IE9 menu bar on top i.e above navigation bar follow below steps.

Moving IE9 Menu bar above navigation bar:

Follow the above steps from 1 to 3.
Select Moving the menu bar above the navigation bar and double click it and select it as Enabled.

Click Apply and Ok to save changes.
To revert back to default settings follow the above steps and select not configured as otpion for those entries