Memory Sale!!! PNY 512MB, Kingston 256MB, Unknown 256MB RAM Cheap!!!

You should probably lower the price of the 512MB DDR stick considering you can get it new for $25 on Newegg


I agree, $20 for 512MB is not a very good deal since you can ge 4 times more (2GB) for only about double ($45) from Newegg.
Chill out man! ;) I get what you're saying, PC3200 ram is very expensive at the moment and I didn't pay attention to that so I take my word, thats a decent deal.


I agree, $20 for 512MB is not a very good deal since you can ge 4 times more (2GB) for only about double ($45) from Newegg.

That's DDR2... DDR is more expensive. But if you were talking about DDR2, you could get 2GB DDR2 for $22 after reabtes :)