May Sell


New Member
The sys in my sig plus it now has a biostar nvidia geforce fx 5200 64bit 128mb agp 8x card.will give more info upon a pm, how much would you pay for it? if anyone is interested, i can and probably will sell it. it does come with o.s., but no keyboard, mouse, monitor, or speakers YET, but may sell those later.
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3.0ghz is very slow for a netburst cpu. if it were a newer celeron with core 2 technology (conroe) it would be worth something, but its probably worth about $150-$250 (without any peripherals) if i had to guess. the most valuable thing about it is probably the operating system.
well, it can almost definetly oc higher, but 3.0ghz is as high as my mobo can supports, and it doesn't give me any voltage options, even with the latest bios, so with a different mobo, i am 99% positive it can oc higher.

But if when you said $150 to $250 was before the os, then that's a great price for me, i was hoping about $175 to $225 for hardware, and xp sp2 on newegg is $135 so i would sell it for$125, and if i can get what i am hoping to get with the money, i can then sell my monitor, keyboard, mouse, and maybe the speakers, and then i will be happy.:D

So is anyone interested in this?
no offense, but you'd have to be crazy to think you can get $125 for xp just because newegg has it for $135.
i don't get it, i am selling it cheaper than them, you could just re-install it and it would be brand-new.