Making a powerful home server


New Member

I realy need some help and advice on making a very powerful home server for streaming high quaity videos. I want to be streaming 1GB-1.5GB videos with no jerks when streaming. I would like to have some advice on how i go about this. Any advice would be great i recently put a post like this up but didnt get a lot of interest.

Thanks a lot
you would need a very fast upload connection... very fast = very expensive.

you could easily get it to MAYBE 1-2 people, but if say 10 people or 10,000 people looked at the same clip at the same time, your site would crash.

Dont host locally.

Thanks very much for the reply . Ok so i need a really fast internet connection with a large upload connection. Do you have any idea were i can get these from ?

Thanks a lot . Woud if be worth hosting it in Japan ?

Do you have fiber optic DSL where you live? They have different packages depending on how much you want to spend. Its not too expensive. Check the upload vs download speeds though.

T1s usually have decent upload speeds but who wants to pay $800 a month!

What sort of speeds can these T1's get to ? and were can i buy them from ? I live in the south-west of UK in the Bristol area. Is there a company out there who i can use there connection for a fee ?

Thanks for your help